Tuesday, July 26, 2016

"Therefore they hushed their fears..."

As many of you may know, I overthink, stress over everything and worry about everything. Before I came home from the mission, in my departing interview my  mission President directed me to Mosiah chapter 23. We read it together and talked briefly about it. 
Now I've been home 3 months...2 transfers. And I often find a few of the verses from this chapter coming to mind. 
"Nevertheless the Lord seeth fit to chasten his people; yea he trieth their patience and their faith. 
Nevertheless whosoever putteth his trust in him the same shall be lifted up at the last day. Yea and thus it was with this people." Verses 21-22
I know this may sound crazy but I'm grateful for the hard times I've experienced. Maybe like most not in the moment. Even just lately reflecting on the past lately it's nice to think of just how great it is that the Lord trust each of us. I've never met someone who didn't experience a trial. 
So times are hard and sometimes we have to think about Peter and his experience walking on water and it wasn't easy when he lost his focus he slipped. I think its fair to say we EACH often lose our focus. We often forget what maters most. There is a quote that says "Diligently doing what matters most will lead us to the Savior of the World." 
We have so many distractions in our life and we spend a lot of time wasting time. I know I do. I also know at time its "easier" to stress about something  than it is to remember in the moment to take it to the Lord.
"For behold I will show unto you that they were brought into bondage and none could deliver them but the Lord their God, yea, even the god of Abraham and Isaac and of Jacob." Verse 23
Later Alma goes forth and reminds them to turn to the Lord. The next scripture is one of my many favorites..
"Therefore they hushed their fears and began to cry unto the Lord that he would soften the hearts of the Lamanites, that they spare them, and their wives and their children." Verse 28
They asked to not have them or their families killed and yet they were praying the people who brought them into bondage would  have their hearts softened. Not sure I'm good at that myself I think bondage for us today might be different then people in the scriptures. Example: Do we allow the natural man to control us? 
I love that they hushed their fears because of the faith they had in the Lord. How great is it that our  faith can not  only heal us but protect and save us. 
"And it came to  pass that the Lord did soften the hearts of the Lamanites....."Verse 29
"And the Lamanites had compassion on Amulon and his brethren and did not destroy them because of their wives." Verse 34
Heavenly Father is there for us, He loves us and truly does want us to be happy. And I know he doesn't want us to live in fear, and although we will have our moments, he is there for us and has given of the gift of the Holy Ghost. Our will may not and often isn't the same will the Lord has for us. But we can "...submit cheerfully and with patience  to all the will of the Lord." Mosiah 24:15
"Be of good comfort, for on the morrow I will  deliver you out of bondage." Mosiah 24:16
But if we stay with Christ at the center of our lives and shape our lives around Him within our, others will see him within us. Often times life won't be easy some  curve balls get thrown our way and sometimes we have to make tough decisions but I know we are not in this life alone. That in and of itself gives me so much comfort. We may make many mistakes but when we fall we should even then know the Lord will help us just as he did with Peter.  
"But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried saying, Lord save me. And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand and caught him...." Matthew 14:30-31
We can do it, everything we have the power to do it with our Heavenly Father. And oh how true I know that to be. But we truly can't do everything, not without him. I need Him, we all do. 

I thought I'd share a couple of my thoughts, feel free to  add your thoughts in the comment section. 

1 comment:

  1. Jenny that is a great article you just posted. I agree with brother Carter you should submit it to the Ensign. We don't get things from our area posted enough. It would be nice to hear from someone local. I think you are getting your writing abalities from your Grandmother Peggy, and that's wonderful. I hope you are doing good. I love you and miss you. Have a great day.

    Love Grandma Lila
