Monday we had dinner with a member. After dinner, the member was going to come with us to a lesson. When we finished eating she went to get ready and we ended up not even sharing a lesson with their family . . . I felt sick about this. I hardly slept Monday night because my mind kept racing back to dinner and what could have been done differently.
Tuesday we taught the most lessons we've taught in a day here . . . I almost think I was put here almost as a punishment. I mean, maybe I got a little number happy in my last ward. The work here is different. I mean we just don't work a lot with members which saddens me. Had missionaries not worked with me, and helped me, and let me help them, I can't say where I'd be in my life. My testimony started to grow so much through the missionaries. So something is going to change. That's for sure. There is nothing wrong with working with Less-actives, and recent converts especially. So don't get me wrong.
Wednesday we had Zone Meeting . . . what a joke.(hated it) If anything someone told me I sounded just like my trainer . . . silly Elder. That's a compliment. My trainer was amazing! She is STILL amazing. Anyway we did service and that was nice. I love service. It's the one part of the day that makes me smile the most. We taught one of our best lessons yet. Where we all spoke and no one was left out. Trios are hard for teaching in unity. I don't take it for granted that the lesson was the Plan of Salvation. We passed around the paper with the Plan drawn out. Still, it was the best. We shared our testimonies at the end and it truly was the best. I wish every lesson could be like this one. Trio's are not easy. They take a lot of work. More than most would think but I know I am here for a reason.
Thursday we started the day with service. we only taught two lessons . . . ugh. Not my favorite day yet. But if anything, we were able to help those people. And we had cafe mexicali for dinner. I love Mexican food. Then we updated records.
Friday we did more service. We gave away food at GRC. (Global Refugee Center. ) We taught two good lessons. One of our Recent converts lost her job so we brought her ice cream and ate it with her.
Saturday we did service for a lady named Leslie....long story.
Sunday was good but I'm now out of time. talk more later!
Sister Burden
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