We had dinner with the Wickman family. They are really fun. Their grandson just got his mission call to Russia! We had a lovely dinner. P-day was spent doing a variety of activities such as shopping, emailing, and going to Muscle Max. Where we found out our total body water, dry lean mass, body fat mass, skeletal muscle mass, and body fat mass. Which by this point in my mission I expected all of those to be crazy high but they are actually "normal." Our zone has a goal for who can lose the most body fat percentage. And gain the most muscle mass. (Which we found out is NOT a approved goal . . . even though my trainee loves it)
We have been contacting lots of less actives. Our ward has well over 600 names on the records and less than 200 come weekly. Our ward boundaries are so huge.
We visited Sister Black we sang to her "keep the commandments" and we keep trying to invite her to church, we truly do believe she could come. We visited Sister Tamara and shared the plan of happiness. We invited her to church, she declined and said it was because of her non-member husband and his health problems. We then went to see Sherri a recent move-in who hasn't came to church. We invited her to church and for the last 3 weeks I've heard every excuse possible. And yet she still expresses she wants to be active and come. I believe her, but old habits die hard. And I of all people know how hard it is to change . . . we all do. But moving to a new place doesn't change you. Before my mission I always thought happiness would come when I had this work position or when I got this or that new job . . . getting a new job didn't change me, and at times it might have stretched me but you have to be willing to change to change. You can say something all you want but you must act.
We had dinner with the Johnson's they are a fun cute family.
After we went back to visiting less actives. We met a family Pat and Pam who have been through so much. I'm sure they only let us in because of the rain and it was late (8:15pm: the best time to contact people. They also let you in because it's so "cold" or "late") We were able to speak with them and even have a prayer. I wish I knew how to help them get to church. I know they have strong testimonies they could help strengthen so many. We will see what's to come with them. But they are just so grand. Pray for them.
We had district meeting which usually isn't the day we have it on but we couldn't do any other day. So we did that. And to be honest it wasn't my favorite meeting this transfer because literally everything I've told my trainee as far as rules go (like etc "we wake up at 6:30 am not 6am"....or how you can't get up and exercise if your companion is asleep" -which is a concern I have). I mean the Elders sat there and told her it was okay. (Hello! does anyone read the white handbook! )It says 6:30 not 6 or 5:30. I remember my MTC teacher Sister Lyons telling us how she used to get up early on her mission to study (not sure who corrected her) but they told her something along the lines of, " don't you think Heavenly Father can help you become who he needs you to be within the normal study time, can't he use you as an instrument in his hands with the scheduled study time." Personally, I don't feel this is the time in my life to work on losing weight, I mean I know I should be healthy, don't get me wrong, but their is a reason for every rule. And I understand that. Also, just thinking of the sacrifices loved one and my family back home have made for me to be out here, yes, I'm obedient because I want to be but I'm also obedient because I am not here to waste anyone's time or money. Serving the Lord isn't a joke to me. I can worry about myself when I get home. Okay sorry about that, back to what I do with the Lord's day.
We visited the Jo Ann, she doesn't rely have a desire to come to church but she is older and one of those people who would never turn away anyone at the door. She is very kind. We just have to keep working with her.
After, we visited with the Chavez family. They were baptized about 4 years ago and brother Chavez thinks church is to long (3hours) they are a lovely family. We invited them to church. I'm almost sick of hearing the "maybe" or "someday."
We had dinner with the Wasden family, they have three sons (triplets) and a daughter. We invited them to write their testimony inside a Book of Mormon. They are a great family. I loved being their.
We had a lesson with the Randall's, we talked about baptism, confirmation, and obey and honoring the law. It was a great lesson, they are able to see so many blessings in their lives since joining the church. They are a great family! So many good things are happening.
We also met with the Hinshaw family. We are starting back at the restoration, and teaching them the lessons, so this week we cleared up his questions about not knowing if he believed everything, and just of how we don't need to believe everything all at once, and how you don't have to always think inside the box. Overall it was a great lesson.
Thursday: Well our whole day was changed 5 mins before we left the house. All week we were planning on the trainers and trainee meeting being at 9 am. Before we were about to walk to the car we found out it was changed to 2 pm. So all our afternoon plans were cancelled. Because we had to do studies. So after studies we went and did service with Sister Wheeler. And then went to Windsor to have lunch at Berry Blenz (smoothie place). Then we went to the meeting. Over all it was good. The other trainers and I talked about how we felt our "fun" zone goals were helping our trainees. Well, my reply was that they weren't. And I also found out the goal wasn't a approved goal. One of my Zone Leaders is from the mission that just joined ours. Apparently zone fitness goals were stopped there many times by this Elder's last mission president. My trainee might be a little obsessed with the goal. In the end, I was told to talk to Sister Brown, (mission presidents wife). I was then told to goal will die, well 5 days later this goal still isn't dead. but it will be. I'll give it some time!
We had dinner with the Paul family. It was a lovely time. And the family was so nice to have feed us. It was fun seeing them, and hearing them joke about everything.
I learned a very important lesson, I need to keep track of how many lactose pills I have early in the week before I only have two left. This whole week I only had two pills and I learned very quickly that I must keep track of these things. People are good at forgetting I can't have dairy. We were able to met with Ben, a less active in this ward. But it's a LA we found who still lives in his home, he hasn't moved. We shared the restoration with him, he said he'd go to church while He was out of town.
Friday: We had mission conference, and guess what we got IPADS!!!!!! To be honest I wasn't excited at first but I now see so much good for having them. Those who told president they didn't want them were chastised in this meeting. So it was a call to repentance for pretty much everyone . . . in one way or another. But we got to see the temple! (Fort Collins)
We got out just in time go visit Amanda. She's 15, doesn't come to church, neither does her family. We read with her from the Book of Mormon, she wasn't too thrilled when we invited her to church, but she told us how she hates moving, her family is planning on moving again. Amanda has moved 6 times in her life. She told us once her mom's back gets better they plan to pack up and move. Her mom was just in the hospital for her back this last week. So since her mom was basically put on bed rest we bought them a pizza. Our dinner canceled on us so we went to $1.50 a scoop. And then came home to set up our iPads.
Saturday: we had dinner with the Williams family, brother Williams is the bishop. So every Saturday they feed us breakfast and we share a message with the family, and then the kids go play and we met with Bishop and go over the progress record with him (all the lessons we taught in the week) so this week we invited the kids to write their testimony and send it to their grandparents. We then came home to have studies, and lunch then weekly plan. After, we went to the Wickman's and had dinner. Jasper had his graduation party, and they invited us for dinner. It was a great dinner. We then went to the Marks, brother Mark wasn't having a great day but we taught about following the prophet and baptism, and confirmation. Good things are happening.
Rick texted us tonight and asked if he could be taught by Elders because of his jealous girlfriend haha.
Sunday: We went to church, and taught the gospel principles class on Repentance. Over all it was a good lesson. We then had missionary coronation meeting and spoke with the ward missionaries about the work in the ward and what our needs are. After, we returned home and did studies, during lunch I slept because my head hurt.
After studies though we went to the Bradstreet's and it was Sister Bradstreet's one year mark being a member. We taught on the plan of happiness. It was a great lesson.
Then we visited the Marks because they weren't at church, but we shared a message with them, we spoke of the atonement. It was a great lesson.
We had dinner with the Richardson's. They are a lovely family, very busy. We invited them to read the Book of Mormon as a family, and to pray to find their own testimonies.
We tried to find some more less actives, because it was dark we couldn't see house numbers so we got out of the car and walked to 1412 (we were looking for 1416) and we knocked on their door and then we met Antonio, he told us we could come back, I truly hope this works out.
One of my favorite Disney songs is Seize the Day from Newsies and as a missionary I think of the song in a different way, just of how we need to seize every moment. Every second counts. We are all one in the work. This work is amazing and I wouldn't take it back for anything. I love being out here.
Thank you for all your love and support.
"You are not invisible to your Heavenly Father, He loves you." -Dieter F. Uchdorf
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Monday, May 18, 2015
First Week Training
Monday: I was still very nervous about training but President Brown (my Mission President ) sent me a text and said "Sister Burden, the Lord and I have great confidence in you. You are going to do wonderfully well! Faith Forward." I know I needed to receive that text. We were able to have dinner with the Josephs which went very good. After we went home and I let Sister Danz unpack.
And I cleaned and went through our apartment.
Tuesday: We got so much done! We did our studies, emailed home, and visited many people. We saw Sister Black, Sister Biffle, Sister Cabanaw, and had dinner with the Hull's. We met with the Bishop. He told us his expectations and gave Sister Danz some advice on missionary work.
Wednesday: Two weeks ago our Bishop told us we have 600 names on our records and less than 200 members at church. We have no clue who the non-attenders are for the most. So we were able to find that 4 of those don't even live there. We met with our one and only investigator who is progressing. We decided to start teaching the Restoration and only taught the first two points (God is our loving Father in Heaven, Gospel blesses families) We have been praying about inviting him to be baptized.
Thursday: We did service for Habitat. This week,we painted the inside of a house. While trying to find these people who don't come to church weekly we found a teenage girl named Jennifer who has stopped going because of her family. We taught her the restoration and visited with her. She is a strong young lady. So we have been praying to find those who are ready for the gospel message, we went to visit a less-active and on the way back to the car this lady started talking with us. She wanted to know why we were out so late. But she told us to come back. Her name is Ebrina. (I'll let you know what's to come)
Friday: We had some great lessons and visited with some great people. we had a great lesson with the Randall's and Amanda. It was Sister Danz first time weekly planning so it was forever long. . . . but that's okay. I do want her to understand. And know who these people are.
Saturday: During studies I had the impression when we met with Sue to ask her if she could teach us some Spanish . . . she is always very busy and the last 12 weeks has wanted nothing to do with us. So we went over and when we sat down I gave Sister Danz some time to get to know her and chat then I asked Sue if she could teach us the Restoration pamphlet in Spanish. She was so happy! She loves times for her to grow. She told us it would be a learning experience for her. But the thing is, I can read most Spanish. I just can't say over 70% of it.
We had dinner with the Carrillo family, their son just left this last week to the MTC. He is going to the Jacksonville, Florida mission. We then went to the Marks for his new member lesson and it was different because, well, the only pamphlets I had were in Spanish so needless to say I had to really think about what I was going to say. I know we got through it, and it all worked out.
Sunday: We went to church and I tried to introduce Sister Danz to as many people as possible. We had her first missionary correlation and it was so good. Our Ward Mission Leader asked us to stop by and get eggs. So we stopped by and Debbie made cinnamon rolls, yummm! what a blessing! We had dinner with Sister Pringle. She told us if we need her bike for exchanges we can use it. Cause otherwise we are walking. (the sister I'll be with for 24hrs can't drive) so needless to say in the last 5, almost 6 years, I haven't road a bike once. Last time I road a bike I broke a bone. (July 2010) but just pray that on May 28 I don't die.
So many great things are happening. Lately I've been studying talks and Jesus the Christ, and the Book of Mormon, all about the life of Christ. And as I've review and studied the conference talks from this last April. I love this line from Elder Holland's talk "Those strong brotherly arms saved my life that day as I dangled helplessly above what would surely have been certain death" I love thinking about how true it is with each of us how we to dangle in a pit and only because of our older brother can we get out. An atonement was needed. We all need a Redeemer. I know Christ is our older brother I know as we rely on him and turn to him for everything he can help pull us out. He loves us more than we can ever understand. If you get a moment, read this talk or listen to it. Its all about the Savior.
Tuesday: We got so much done! We did our studies, emailed home, and visited many people. We saw Sister Black, Sister Biffle, Sister Cabanaw, and had dinner with the Hull's. We met with the Bishop. He told us his expectations and gave Sister Danz some advice on missionary work.
Wednesday: Two weeks ago our Bishop told us we have 600 names on our records and less than 200 members at church. We have no clue who the non-attenders are for the most. So we were able to find that 4 of those don't even live there. We met with our one and only investigator who is progressing. We decided to start teaching the Restoration and only taught the first two points (God is our loving Father in Heaven, Gospel blesses families) We have been praying about inviting him to be baptized.
Thursday: We did service for Habitat. This week,we painted the inside of a house. While trying to find these people who don't come to church weekly we found a teenage girl named Jennifer who has stopped going because of her family. We taught her the restoration and visited with her. She is a strong young lady. So we have been praying to find those who are ready for the gospel message, we went to visit a less-active and on the way back to the car this lady started talking with us. She wanted to know why we were out so late. But she told us to come back. Her name is Ebrina. (I'll let you know what's to come)
Friday: We had some great lessons and visited with some great people. we had a great lesson with the Randall's and Amanda. It was Sister Danz first time weekly planning so it was forever long. . . . but that's okay. I do want her to understand. And know who these people are.
Saturday: During studies I had the impression when we met with Sue to ask her if she could teach us some Spanish . . . she is always very busy and the last 12 weeks has wanted nothing to do with us. So we went over and when we sat down I gave Sister Danz some time to get to know her and chat then I asked Sue if she could teach us the Restoration pamphlet in Spanish. She was so happy! She loves times for her to grow. She told us it would be a learning experience for her. But the thing is, I can read most Spanish. I just can't say over 70% of it.
We had dinner with the Carrillo family, their son just left this last week to the MTC. He is going to the Jacksonville, Florida mission. We then went to the Marks for his new member lesson and it was different because, well, the only pamphlets I had were in Spanish so needless to say I had to really think about what I was going to say. I know we got through it, and it all worked out.
Sunday: We went to church and I tried to introduce Sister Danz to as many people as possible. We had her first missionary correlation and it was so good. Our Ward Mission Leader asked us to stop by and get eggs. So we stopped by and Debbie made cinnamon rolls, yummm! what a blessing! We had dinner with Sister Pringle. She told us if we need her bike for exchanges we can use it. Cause otherwise we are walking. (the sister I'll be with for 24hrs can't drive) so needless to say in the last 5, almost 6 years, I haven't road a bike once. Last time I road a bike I broke a bone. (July 2010) but just pray that on May 28 I don't die.
So many great things are happening. Lately I've been studying talks and Jesus the Christ, and the Book of Mormon, all about the life of Christ. And as I've review and studied the conference talks from this last April. I love this line from Elder Holland's talk "Those strong brotherly arms saved my life that day as I dangled helplessly above what would surely have been certain death" I love thinking about how true it is with each of us how we to dangle in a pit and only because of our older brother can we get out. An atonement was needed. We all need a Redeemer. I know Christ is our older brother I know as we rely on him and turn to him for everything he can help pull us out. He loves us more than we can ever understand. If you get a moment, read this talk or listen to it. Its all about the Savior.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
A Few Bonus Pictures!
Monday, May 11, 2015
She's Going to be a TRAINER!
Monday : May 4th....May the 4th be with you! I finished 3 Nephi! And it was p-day. What better way to spend the day then writing letters and shopping? We had dinner with the Roberson family, super cute!
Tuesday : We visited Sister Black and Sister Biffle. Both visits were very good. We did over an hour of finding with no luck what so ever. We visited the Randalls and it was a good visit. And we saw the Hinshaw's and it was our best visit yet. We read the talk "Like a broken vessel"
Wednesday : We visited Sister Campbell and talked about adversity, I wish I knew how to help her be more engaged. We also visited Sister Cabanaw (a new move in) she's been less active for some time now but she told us she wants a fresh start over. A new ward is good for that but she hasn't been too good at it so far. We had dinner with the Buchanan family. They are super nice!
Thursday : Well, our whole morning feel apart. We only had three lessons. We did get the Ensign . . . woohooo! I also gave my first training ever in district meeting on Scripture Study. Over all it was a good day.
Friday : We did service (GRC) and we tried some more finding. And nothing . . . We visited Amanda and it was one of our best visits yet. We had dinner at the Marks, and and finished the day weekly planning. Best day ever!
Saturday: Transfer doctrine day . . . all day I thought, "I won't be an Sister Training Leader or a trainer . . . no one has called me." What a joke! I will be staying in my ward and training. Oh yeah it gets better, on a bike.
We taught two families and ended the night updating records from this last week.
Sunday : We went to church, it was a good day. And well, it was Mother's Day which means I got to call home. Sadly, my family took forever to get a hold of, but that meant I had time to call a friend to figure out where my mom is! Luckily it all worked out. I got to call my grandma Peggie too and get a pep talk on the whole training thing, and more. I also was able to talk to Lauren and Ben because I was trying to get a hold of my family. Things have been good.
I know this won't be easy but I know Heavenly Father will help me along the way. And I just need to improve so much more. And this is a great time for me to rely on Heavenly Father and a time to help another sister grow. I know Christ is always there for us.
Wednesday : We visited Sister Campbell and talked about adversity, I wish I knew how to help her be more engaged. We also visited Sister Cabanaw (a new move in) she's been less active for some time now but she told us she wants a fresh start over. A new ward is good for that but she hasn't been too good at it so far. We had dinner with the Buchanan family. They are super nice!
Thursday : Well, our whole morning feel apart. We only had three lessons. We did get the Ensign . . . woohooo! I also gave my first training ever in district meeting on Scripture Study. Over all it was a good day.
Friday : We did service (GRC) and we tried some more finding. And nothing . . . We visited Amanda and it was one of our best visits yet. We had dinner at the Marks, and and finished the day weekly planning. Best day ever!
Saturday: Transfer doctrine day . . . all day I thought, "I won't be an Sister Training Leader or a trainer . . . no one has called me." What a joke! I will be staying in my ward and training. Oh yeah it gets better, on a bike.
We taught two families and ended the night updating records from this last week.
Sunday : We went to church, it was a good day. And well, it was Mother's Day which means I got to call home. Sadly, my family took forever to get a hold of, but that meant I had time to call a friend to figure out where my mom is! Luckily it all worked out. I got to call my grandma Peggie too and get a pep talk on the whole training thing, and more. I also was able to talk to Lauren and Ben because I was trying to get a hold of my family. Things have been good.
I know this won't be easy but I know Heavenly Father will help me along the way. And I just need to improve so much more. And this is a great time for me to rely on Heavenly Father and a time to help another sister grow. I know Christ is always there for us.
Monday, May 4, 2015
Rainbows and Failed Plans
Monday : We had dinner at the Hulls (ward missionaries) We also had a new member lesson for Brother Mark there. It was a good night. We found out Jackie is no longer living at the Mark's. All evening we tried calling her and her friends we were teaching . . . no answers.
Tuesday : We went and did service at Thrift Rite. We visited Sister Black and sang her favorite hymn. "Onward Christian Solider". . . expected more "Amen's " from her but that's okay. We also visited Sister Biffle she is super fun to met with . . . she tells us a lot of the things she is learning in her psych class. I love hearing it. We talked with her about family history. She has been on the ball with it. I love seeing progress and with her. There has been a lot. Still not much from Jackie.
Wednesday : All day we kept trying to get a hold of Jackie . . . she would text us but she wouldn't answer our calls. We met with the Martins and had dinner with them that was a good visit. Logan (8) is such a cute kid. We also had Brother Randall's new member lesson.
Thursday : We visited with Rick (Investigator) we read from the Book of Mormon and the Bible with him. He has been having a hard time finding a job. We were able to cheer him up a little. Also we were able to contact new move-ins in the ward. That was exciting. And it had been on and off raining so here is a Colorado rainbow. It helped make the day more at ease. Especially since we found out we have to hand Jackie off to a new set of missionaries.
Friday : Everyone we planned to meet with didn't happen. No one seemed to answer the door. We visited with Amanda (15) . . . literally if there is one thing I desire to see with her it is her back at church. She has hardly even been a member 1 year. She is great, I truly do love her.
Saturday : Breakfast at Bishops house. We were able to met with Sister Randall she is a very strong woman. We made a cake (originally for a baptism) and ate it with Sister Prinlge. She is such a strong woman. I love her. We were able to have Brother Marks new member lesson, which was really fun. We saw the foxes on the way out to our ward mission leaders home. Jackie was not baptized, but things will work out.
Sunday: what a day. We were able to met with two less actives. and a recent convert and we had dinner with the sister we live with. It was a great day.
Read or watch this talk.
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