Tuesday - Luckily we got to do one of my favorite things...painting! Woohoo. Sadly we didn't finish...this project was a small bathroom. And this was our second time but it's still not done. I've learned that doing service helps relieve stress. I think a lot of it is seeing that you aren't thinking about yourself. It's easier to not think about yourself . . . I'd love to do service all the time . . . why? Because missionary life is hard, it's not easy. I'd love to forget my short comings and my weakness. I keep studying the Atonement with hope that I'll be able to remember the Savior didn't have it easy . . . the missionary work in this area seems a little dead at times. It's always the same 2-3 members who come to lessons. And investigators have just disappeared. I mean they either drop us or meet us in the park and don't answer their phones. I want Sister Danz to have a great experience as a missionary, I want people to teach who want to learn and are willing to commit, I don't want it to have a baptism, I want it so a year from now I and other missionaries can help them get to the temple.
Elder Fransworth, every time I see him he keeps asking what's wrong. Nothing is wrong, nothing is wrong with the work, or my companionship, or even me. But yet I know I need to focus on the Atonement and I need to rely upon it daily. We could all do better at it. That's for sure. We taught Sister Black, we sang the hymn "Our Savior's Love" and invited her to church, last week I asked why she stopped coming. She told us how she was foolish and had gotten offended. We were recently told some information that could have meant that we had to stop seeing her but when we told our Bishop he didn't seem too alarmed. Overall, we still get to met with her. Yah! There is progression there.
Sister Biffle had a crazy weekend. Her neighbors are crazy. We spoke to her about obedience. My first day in Greeley I invited her to quite smoking. She said no. I re-invited her to quite. She didn't say yes but I didn't get a no. Her reply was, "I'll cut back." And I pray she does. She is a great lady with a strong heart, very willing to follow her dreams.
We had dinner with President Brown our mission president. We got to take 2 brand new missionaries with us for the night. So since our appointment canceled we took them street contacting. It was super fun and it was a great experience for both Sister Danz and I. We went on splits to do this because 4 is a huge group. So I took Sister Mauss and spoke with her about what she learned in the MTC, and her fears. Her greatest fear is street contacting. And guess what, she spoke with 10 people!!! She did great. I used to love taking new sisters out because I could return them at the end of the night. Like babysitting. Training is not like babysitting. It's scary still. I make mistakes way too much. I constantly feel like I have a list that's never ending of things to improve on. And it feels very overwhelming. And I don't know how to change that feeling.
Don't get me wrong I love training. I love sister Danz.
Wednesday - District meeting...with a new district leader....Elder Guy is our district leader. He's very nice. It's always weird as a sister, elders don't really talk to you. And being me, that's hard.
After district meeting we had lunch quickly and went to see Sister Walsh. Whose son Joe got a car, guess what that means . . . she will go to church!!! Wooohooo! After sister Walsh, we pulled weeds at the Bode home. It was super great. After that we drove to the middle of nowhere and had dinner with the Martins. They are a great family. They had some family at their home who we didn't know was members (we assumed ) which was right, but we didn't know she and her two kids aren't active. Over all it was a good lesson. I hope that family comes back. (They don't live in our area)
After we visited Christian, who is a return missionary. He's very nice. He's our age, and hates the singles ward. And doesn't come to come...it saddens me to see or hear about missionaries returning home and going less active.
Rm doesn't mean retired missionary.
I have hope one day Cristian will come back, he just has to decide what's important his beliefs or work on Sunday. Or etc.
Thursday - We did flooring for Habitat. It was super fun. It was nice being around other missionaries and getting the task accomplished. I loved it. After our appointment cancelled and we went to our back up and luckily it all worked out.
Sister Cabanaw is super nice. She won't pray in front of us, but she has a super sweet heart. I wont give up. She can say no all she wants to praying and coming to church. I haven't lost faith in her yet. Jennifer cancelled on us....what I mean by cancelling is she stood us up. So we met with her grandparents. They are super nice. Very worried about her. I wish I knew how to be bold and loving in situations like this. You cant not do something and expect someone else to do it.
After our dinner forgot about us, so when we came over she gave us money and told us to go out. So we had Chiptole. It was a good dinner. By the way their tofu is so good!!! After we met with the Randall's and talking about enduring to the end. We invited them to remember the Saviors love and strive to come to know his love through prayer...which is something each of us can do. So I am as well.
We went home at 9 and dehydrated apples for Elder Sell and Elder Board.
Friday -We went to GRC and gave food to Refugees. Its always a nice experience. We then went and had lunch at home, and off to do service again for Sister Wheeler, baby layettes. It was super fun. After we went home and started weekly planning. A never ending thing on Fridays...we always seem to be so busy. It was then time to go see Amanda. Guess what everyone...Amanda is going to girls camp! And to church, her mom said yes! Its a miracle. Keep her
in your prayers!
Debbie made us dinner Sunday night. It was so nice to be out their with her and enjoy dinner. She is a great cook. After our appointment fell through, they decided to drink and told us we would met another night. We then went home and did our 12 hour training because we have been so busy in the morning. We had to pick up some things for the Spanish Elders and some how I got roped into sweeing two pairs of pants he ripped. Good thing my Grandma Peggie taught me how to.
Saturday- We returned their pants on our run to the park and back...they live kind of close. We had breakfast with Bishop it was super good. We then went home to finish weekly planning and finished personal study. Our lunch appointment cancelled on us. We then went to see Jolie a (PI) and she is super sweet. We were able to teach the Restoration and she even told us we can come back. Our dinner fell through so we went to Panda Express. It was good.
After we visited with Ben, it was a good visit and we even got samples of Mary Kay stuff from Susan. We ended the night meeting with Renee. She was a referral from a member and was so happy to met with us. She has the light of Christ and is very in tune with the spirit. Sunday- We had church...and Sister Walsh came, and her son Joe. Amanda came and so did her mom. And Sister Miller. It was so nice. After church we went to the Bradstreets and taught the 10 commandments. After we crashed a 1 year old's birthday party. We got lunch. Moral Of the story, crash parties. haha. We were able to met with the Chavez family, and teach them about how we should have prayer daily and scripture study. And just of how we can receive answers through them. After we had dinner and were able to give a member two Book of Mormons to give away. woohooo!
After we met with the Marsh's and invited hem to come to church next week.
We ended the night by going home to finish updating the rest of the records.
This week has been super long, and hard and looking back now I couldn't pin point why. But I feel everything is fine I mean no one died but this week has been hard to stay focus. And I could hardly sleep. I can't seem to clear my mind. So much is going on here in Greeley. I want to help everyone but feel so inadequate. I know I need to take things one step at a time. I know the only thing I can do is turn things over to Heavenly Father. I know the gospel is real. And the Christ can take everything we are carrying.
I hope each of you has a great 4th of July!
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