We had MLC's which was super great! I always love it, not just because I get to see other missionaries but because I love being able to council with others and see how we can each help each other to grow.
The group of sisters is the Sister Training Leaders in the mission and Sister Brown. I love each of these sisters and am inspired by their desire to serve and love others. We had our ward Christmas party this week....it was so pretty and of course I had to get a picture with Santa and my companion. Santa helped us get out of some awkward conversations....overall it was a good party. WE have a new member named Brother Bears and he knows where Paintsville is, and use to live there. He knows a lot of people with the last name Castle.
We had zone breakfast at President Fosters, it was really sweet. After we tried to get a picture...they mostly all turned out blurry. But here's a good one I think. After the breakfast it was snowing and was coming down pretty good. So here is me and my companion....snow picture.
For the last week or so I haven't been sleeping to well. So I will lay in bed and think back a lot on different things...One night in the last couple weeks all I could think of was a house we tried when I first got into the area....But I couldn't remember who lived in the house...(member, nonmember, dnc etc) so I tried not to think to much about it seeing I didn't know where to find the house... because Sister Helsing got transferred to Sidney, NE. I can speak to her on the phone since we are her STL's. So this week I was speaking with her and told her this might not mean anything to her, and she might not remember because my memory was very foggy about it. But she DID REMEMBER. And we were able to go by and see this person. It wasn't a good time(shes sick) , but I know we were suppose to go and see her.
I've been studying in the gospels this last week and I'm so amazed at the love Christ offers all of us. And the need we each have for the Atonement. I couldn't be more grateful for the Atonement. For a Savior who knows what I am feeling and how to truly help me. With anything. I know he knows each of us and wants us to be happy. Our Savior wants us each to return to him....RTC (Return to Christ) I love being a missionary even on the hard days and what seems like the darkest days. I had a teacher in high school who told us "Nothing easy will ever be worth it" I am learning every day what that means. I've gained strength by reading a talk by Elder Richard G. Scott of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles titled “Trust in the Lord.” He said: “Just when all seems to be going right, challenges often come in multiple doses applied simultaneously. When those trials are not consequences of your disobedience, they are evidence that the Lord feels you are prepared to grow more. He therefore gives you experiences that stimulate growth, understanding and compassion, which polish you for your everlasting benefit. To get you from where you are to where He wants you to be requires a lot of stretching, and that generally entails discomfort and pain” (Ensign, Nov. 1995). He wants to help each of us, and is waiting for each of us to ask.
Your Grandma Peggy is doing very well. She is a strong woman. Please don't worry about her, she doesn't want that. Stay strong and keep your spirits up. I love you and may the Lord bless you in all you do. Have a very Merry Christmas!